Greetings to good friends and family near and far:
Is it that time of year again? Where did the time go? The year 2004 has passed and we are all hopefully at least a little wiser, and accomplished most of what we wanted to this year.
We had a big move this year to a small condo closer to the beach. It has provided us with our first first-hand experience with property management with renting out our first house. Lets just say that we are learning a lot! We love our new place. It is so easy to take care of and we still have room for guests. (Hint hint)
In April we went to Germany to visit Ma and Pa Kraus at their pastoral home near Frankfurt. They took good care of us and really showed us the sights. We also went to Berlin to see our good friend Cate who took a job with a German company. She is amazing. She is renting a flat, but she still had to buy and install her own kitchen… even the sink! From Germany, we went to Rome, Venice and my favorite, Florence. We had and amazing time, and amazing food. Yum.
Kari is still at BDS getting the 7-year itch. He is rolling out a dot net program for any of you who know what that is. He is amazing with computers and learns new languages and programs all the time. He helps me with our new toy, Izzy the iPod. So fun. He also put up the “” blog so all of you can see what fun we are having her in sunny California. (“Blog” is short for “Web-Log”. When you say it fast it sounds like “Blog” and those computer guys are always saying things fast.) So go to the computer now and type in for pictures and stories of what we have been up to.
I am still working 3 to 4 days per week at a small outpatient PT clinic mostly with geriatric patients. It is quite a switch from sports medicine, but it is a great clinic with a close-knit staff. I also took 2 real estate classes and might ease into real estate next year part time.
We have also been to quite a few seminars this year including getting hypnotized in Vegas (Long but good story), and some real estate and marketing meetings. It is fun for us to keep learning new things.
It’s had been just too sunny here lately so we decided to go to where the real weather is this Christmas… to Wisconsin to see our wonderful friends and family. Between the two of us, we have 16 nieces and nephews to hug and a bunch of siblings and friends who will likely cook for us. Thank you!
Next year we will be doing Ironman Wisconsin in Madison, so we will have to dust off our bikes and running shoes and jump in the pool to prepare. Please come and cheer us on if you can. The date is unfortunately easy to remember: September 11th, 2005.
Hope all is will with you and yours and all that other good stuff. Thank you for making our lives so wonderful. Without you to help us on our way we would surely be lost.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Kari and Sara
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