Praying for an obvious choice

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Heal me, Lord and i will be healed, for you are the one I praise. Jeremiah 17:14

Its been over a month since my diagnosis of breast cancer and I have learned so much about my cancer and about possible treatments. I really though that I would have a surgery date by now. Instead I have more appointments. It is hard to get appointments maybe because everyone has put off care because of Covid and some doctors are taking long awaited vacations.

I talked to my breast cancer surgeon team again who seams to be steering me towards lumpectomy with radiation. I talk to my brother-in-law doctor who agrees. Then I talk to a breast cancer survivor from 40 years ago who had B mastectomy straight to implants and is super happy with her decision. It was an experimental surgery at that time and she went on to counsel other women for 10 years through the American Cancer Society. What an amazing lady.

My breast cancer team says that this is the hardest part. The decision making. I don’t like this part or any of it for that matter. Each choice has benefits and drawbacks. I want to rush through it so I can get to the other side where the survivors are but I have to be patient and get as much information as I can so that I can make the right choice.

I meet with another breast surgeon on Monday for a second opinion and should get the results of my genetic testing soon. I meet with a GI doctor to go through the results of my liver ultrasound, too. I also have a visit with the plastic surgeon on August 31st and my oncologist on Sept 8 but I hope to make a decision before then. I can always change it if he has other input. My doctors would not offer a option that wasn’t a cure so I am very grateful to have options.

So many people are encouraging me, supporting me and praying for me. Emails, cards, texts and phone calls. It is overwhelming the support I feel. Many people offer to help but not sure what I will need. Still I am keeping a list so if any of you offer to help, don’t be surprised if I call you!

I pray that God will make the right decision obvious to me, as I work through these appointments and expert opinions.



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