Staying the course

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When we are living up to our calling, God uses our bad experiences and He transforms them into something wonderful. Hebrews 12

I have completed 15 radiation treatments so far and have 6 to go. The treatments take about 15 min from start to finish and then I am on my way to work.  I am getting a “radiation line” (tan line) from the radiation.  So far my skin is tolerating it pretty well.  Maybe it is because of the $50 lotion I am using 4-5 times per day.  My tumor bed is almost directly under my nipple and the last 5 treatments will be over that very sensitive area.  My radiation doctor said that I might not be able to tolerate the friction of running at that time and for several weeks afterwards. I will do the best I can.

I have been able to run for 3 miles 2 times and feel slow but good. I am slowly resuming my lifting and push ups returning to 10 reps x 3 sets every other day. I am cleared to go back to work full time but they are still building up my case load so I am filling in at other places where I have worked before. I am not cleared to get in the pool yet due to chlorine being too drying for my skin, but will be able to return soon. I am really looking forward to completing my treatment and then celebrating with my family in Wisconsin over Thanksgiving.  I have so much to be thankful for.



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